(photo: Danuta Matloch)
Pastor Paulina has many roles – bishop, pastor, trustee, chaplain, ethicist, activist, and soprano. She was born in Southern Poland and studied Theology & Ethics at the Christian Theological Academy, and Opera with Acting at the Elsner Opera School, both in Warsaw. She worked for several years as a PA to a Major General and Military Bishop in the Army Chaplaincy of the Polish Ministry of Defence helping to advocate gender equality in church and in the army, co-editing the Military Magazine; supporting staff after traumatic events, and performing at Christmas Concerts for soldiers and the government. Paulina went on to work at the Polish Ecumenical Council as a projects' coordinator in areas such as Polish Presidency in the European Union and the Migration Project, co-operating with the CCME (Churches Commission for Migrants in Europe) in Brussels. She was ordained by Bishop Martin Lind in London and cares for four churches: Trinity Leicester-Nottingham (since January 2015), St Paul’s Corby (since March 2015), both international and multicultural English-speaking congregations; Christ the King London & St John's High Wycombe (Polish-speaking ministry since April 2021). She is a Trustee of the LCiGB, and a chaplain at the multi-faith student’s chaplaincy at the University of Nottingham. She is a frequent speaker on BBC Radio Nottingham and BBC World News, raising awareness on hate crime in connection with Brexit and supporting minority communities by raising multi-ethnicity awareness, providing relevant teaching and cooperating with the Police & Hate Crime Office. She is co-chairing the LCiGB Racial Justice Core Group since the death of George Floyd, which at the moment is one of the most important projects of the LCiGB.
Pastor-in-Charge: Rev Paulina Hlawiczka-Trotman
Pastors in co-operation with Trinity in the past years: Rev Mark Hardy, Rev Libby Tomsalu, Rev Roy Long
Lay Minister (retired): Marlies Adam
Chair: Ian Jebbett
Intern: Katrina Bentsen
Former chair persons: Pawel Szudarski, Geoffrey Slade, Margaret Pickford
Treasurer: Tom Pawlowski
Former treasurers: Elaine Barnabas, Marlies Adam
Secretary: vacant
Former secretaries: Angela Kuehn, Ulrike Ellis
Musicians: Lawrence Ward, Blessing Kusiluka, Barry Moon, Paulina Hlawiczka-Trotman
Musicians in co-operation with Trinity in the past years: Jill Ward, Matt Farrell, Gemma Marshal, Kathy Reed
Web designer and host: Milena Muszyńska
Newsletter editors: Angela Kuhn, Esmé Ireson